--- title: "Overview of janitor functions" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::github_document: toc: true toc_depth: 3 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{janitor} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>") library(janitor) ``` The janitor functions expedite the initial data exploration and cleaning that comes with any new data set. This catalog describes the usage for each function. # Major functions Functions for everyday use. ## Cleaning ### Clean data.frame names with `clean_names()` Call this function every time you read data. It works in a `%>%` pipeline and handles problematic variable names, especially those that are so well-preserved by `readxl::read_excel()` and `readr::read_csv()`. + Parses letter cases and separators to a consistent format. + Default is to snake_case, but other cases like camelCase are available + Handles special characters and spaces, including transliterating characters like `œ` to `oe`. + Appends numbers to duplicated names + Converts "%" to "percent" and "#" to "number" to retain meaning + Spacing (or lack thereof) around numbers is preserved ```{r, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE} # Create a data.frame with dirty names test_df <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6)) names(test_df) <- c( "firstName", "ábc@!*", "% successful (2009)", "REPEAT VALUE", "REPEAT VALUE", "" ) ``` Clean the variable names, returning a data.frame: ```{r} test_df %>% clean_names() ``` Compare to what base R produces: ```{r} make.names(names(test_df)) ``` This function is powered by the underlying exported function **`make_clean_names()`**, which accepts and returns a character vector of names (see below). This allows for cleaning the names of *any* object, not just a data.frame. `clean_names()` is retained for its convenience in piped workflows, and can be called on an `sf` simple features object or a `tbl_graph` tidygraph object in addition to a data.frame. ### Do those data.frames actually contain the same columns? #### Check with `compare_df_cols()` For cases when you are given a set of data files that *should* be identical, and you wish to read and combine them for analysis. But then `dplyr::bind_rows()` or `rbind()` fails, because of different columns or because the column classes don't match across data.frames. `compare_df_cols()` takes unquoted names of data.frames / tibbles, or a list of data.frames, and returns a summary of how they compare. See what the column types are, which are missing or present in the different inputs, and how column types differ. ```{r} df1 <- data.frame(a = 1:2, b = c("big", "small")) df2 <- data.frame(a = 10:12, b = c("medium", "small", "big"), c = 0, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) # here, column b is a factor df3 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(b = as.character(b)) compare_df_cols(df1, df2, df3) compare_df_cols(df1, df2, df3, return = "mismatch") compare_df_cols(df1, df2, df3, return = "mismatch", bind_method = "rbind") # default is dplyr::bind_rows ``` `compare_df_cols_same()` returns `TRUE` or `FALSE` indicating if the data.frames can be successfully row-bound with the given binding method: ```{r} compare_df_cols_same(df1, df3) compare_df_cols_same(df2, df3) ``` ## Exploring ### `tabyl()` - a better version of `table()` `tabyl()` is a tidyverse-oriented replacement for `table()`. It counts combinations of one, two, or three variables, and then can be formatted with a suite of `adorn_*` functions to look just how you want. For instance: ```{r} mtcars %>% tabyl(gear, cyl) %>% adorn_totals("col") %>% adorn_percentages("row") %>% adorn_pct_formatting(digits = 2) %>% adorn_ns() %>% adorn_title() ``` Learn more in the [tabyls vignette](https://sfirke.github.io/janitor/articles/tabyls.html). ### Explore records with duplicated values for specific combinations of variables with `get_dupes()` This is for hunting down and examining duplicate records during data cleaning - usually when there shouldn't be any. For example, in a tidy data.frame you might expect to have a unique ID repeated for each year, but no duplicated pairs of unique ID & year. Say you want to check for and study any such duplicated records. `get_dupes()` returns the records (and inserts a count of duplicates) so you can examine the problematic cases: ```{r} get_dupes(mtcars, wt, cyl) # or mtcars %>% get_dupes(wt, cyl) if you prefer to pipe ``` ### Explore relationships between columns with `get_one_to_one()` This function shows which, if any, columns in a data.frame have one-to-one relationships with each other. Here is a toy example looking at the first four rows of the *starwars* data.frame from the dplyr package. The variables are grouped into three sets of one-to-one clusters: ```{r message=FALSE} library(dplyr) starwars[1:4, ] %>% get_one_to_one() ``` # Minor functions Smaller functions for use in particular situations. More human-readable than the equivalent code they replace. ## Cleaning ### Manipulate vectors of names with `make_clean_names()` Like base R's `make.names()`, but with the stylings and case choice of the long-time janitor function `clean_names()`. While `clean_names()` is still offered for use in data.frame pipeline with `%>%`, `make_clean_names()` allows for more general usage, e.g., on a vector. It can also be used as an argument to `.name_repair` in the newest version of `tibble::as_tibble`: ```{r} tibble::as_tibble(iris, .name_repair = janitor::make_clean_names) ``` ### Validate that a column has a `single_value()` per group This function returns the single value in a column, often used in combination with `dplyr::group_by()` to validate that every value of X has only one associated value of Y. It will complete that value of Y into missing values in that column. And if there's more than a single value of Y, its `info` argument can help pinpoint where that occurs. Take this data.frame. One pesky value of X has multiple values of Y where it should not: ```{r} not_one_to_one <- data.frame( X = rep(1:3, each = 2), Y = c(rep(1:2, each = 2), 1:2) ) not_one_to_one # throws informative error: try(not_one_to_one %>% dplyr::group_by(X) %>% dplyr::mutate( Z = single_value(Y, info = paste("Calculating Z for group X =", X)) )) ``` ### `remove_empty()` rows and columns Does what it says. For cases like cleaning Excel files that contain empty rows and columns after being read into R. ```{r} q <- data.frame( v1 = c(1, NA, 3), v2 = c(NA, NA, NA), v3 = c("a", NA, "b") ) q %>% remove_empty(c("rows", "cols")) ``` Just a simple wrapper for one-line functions, but it saves a little thinking for both the code writer and the reader. ### `remove_constant()` columns Drops columns from a data.frame that contain only a single constant value (with an `na.rm` option to control whether NAs should be considered as different values from the constant). `remove_constant` and `remove_empty` work on matrices as well as data.frames. ```{r} a <- data.frame(good = 1:3, boring = "the same") a %>% remove_constant() ``` ### Directionally-consistent rounding behavior with `round_half_up()` R uses "banker's rounding", i.e., halves are rounded to the nearest *even* number. This function, an exact implementation of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12688717/round-up-from-5/12688836#12688836, will round all halves up. Compare: ```{r} nums <- c(2.5, 3.5) round(nums) round_half_up(nums) ``` ### Round decimals to precise fractions of a given denominator with `round_to_fraction()` Say your data should only have values of quarters: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, etc. But there are either user-entered bad values like `0.2` or floating-point precision problems like `0.25000000001`. `round_to_fraction()` will enforce the desired fractional distribution by rounding the values to the nearest value given the specified denominator. There's also a `digits` argument for optional subsequent rounding. ### Fix dates stored as serial numbers with `excel_numeric_to_date()` Ever load data from Excel and see a value like `42223` where a date should be? This function converts those serial numbers to class `Date`, with options for different Excel date encoding systems, preserving fractions of a date as time (in which case the returned value is of class `POSIXlt`), and specifying a time zone. ```{r} excel_numeric_to_date(41103) excel_numeric_to_date(41103.01) # ignores decimal places, returns Date object excel_numeric_to_date(41103.01, include_time = TRUE) # returns POSIXlt object excel_numeric_to_date(41103.01, date_system = "mac pre-2011") ``` ### Convert a mix of date and datetime formats to date Building on `excel_numeric_to_date()`, the new functions `convert_to_date()` and `convert_to_datetime()` are more robust to a mix of inputs. Handy when reading many spreadsheets that *should* have the same column formats, but don't. For instance, here a vector with a date and an Excel datetime sees both values successfully converted to Date class: ```{r} convert_to_date(c("2020-02-29", "40000.1")) ``` ### Elevate column names stored in a data.frame row If a data.frame has the intended variable names stored in one of its rows, `row_to_names()` will elevate the specified row to become the names of the data.frame and optionally (by default) remove the row in which names were stored and/or the rows above it. ```{r} dirt <- data.frame( X_1 = c(NA, "ID", 1:3), X_2 = c(NA, "Value", 4:6) ) row_to_names(dirt, 2) ``` ### Find the header row buried within a messy data.frame The function `find_header()` is a companion function to `row_to_names()`. By default it will search a data.frame for the first row with no missing values and return that row number. It can also be used to return the row number where a given string is present in the first column, or in any specific column. Then this result can be supplied to `row_to_names()`. ## Exploring ### Count factor levels in groups of high, medium, and low with `top_levels()` Originally designed for use with Likert survey data stored as factors. Returns a `tbl_df` frequency table with appropriately-named rows, grouped into head/middle/tail groups. + Takes a user-specified size for the head/tail groups + Automatically calculates a percent column + Supports sorting + Can show or hide `NA` values. ```{r} f <- factor(c("strongly agree", "agree", "neutral", "neutral", "disagree", "strongly agree"), levels = c("strongly agree", "agree", "neutral", "disagree", "strongly disagree") ) top_levels(f) top_levels(f, n = 1) ```